Babel 17 is a science fiction novel written by Samuel R. Delany. The story takes place during an interstellar war. The female protagonist, Rydra Wong, is sent to find out how the enemy is able to predict their strategies. This science fiction is different from any other that I have seen or read. The main focus is the new language that Rydra discovers. This language is called Babel 17. Once you learn it, you gradually turn into a traitor. It alters your mind and way of thinking. When Rydra finally realizes the effects of the language, she gradually neutralizes its effects.
The main theme of the movie is how language limits thought. Without language you cannot think. You need words for thoughts. Babel 17 can determine the actions of those who learn it.
One thing that bothered me about the novel was the lack of description of the environments and settings. I felt that I only got a sense of the world rather than a true and clear understanding of it. For example some of the props are not described to the fullest.
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