Friday, November 25, 2011

"Lilith's Brood"

This week I had no homework and absolutely nothing to do. I remained home while everyone else got see their families. So i decided to occupy my mind with reading. I decided I was going to read all of Lilith's Brood by Octavia Butler.

The week's reading consisted of three books that come together to form the novel, Lilith's Brood. All three books are science fiction novels. In this novel, we are introduced to a new species called the Oankali. The main characters of this story, however, are humans. These characters are Lilith and her children. Her children were altered genetically. The novel begins with Lilith being revived by the Oankali after a nuclear war on earth. Humanity nearly killed itself. The war almost destroyed the entire human species. During the war, the Oankali watched far off in space. The Oankali's agenda is simple: to colonize planet Earth. They aim to collect a number of humans and create a hybrid species from them. Of course there are humans opposed to the Oankali and oppose their aim to genetically alter humanity. Lilith's son was genetically altered by the Oankali. When he is discovered by human rebels, he is taken to a hidden prison. The book ends with Her other son, Judahs. Judahs is able to combine both human and alien societies.

What interested me the most was not the main character, or her children, but rather the ambition of the Oankali. I believe that much of the metaphors and analogies were all meant to bring out the idea of colonization. This means that colonization would always take place, since advanced technology gives more power to those that have it. It also suggests that other species may not be so different from ours. Hierarchy (the need to control and be on top) is still present in this other spices. Although this species is peaceful and seems to have good intentions, in my opinion they are still playing God's hand.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blade Runner

I know this post my not count as a grade, but since I have had too much homework I decided to just watch a movie this week. Blade Runner, directed by Sir. Ridley Scott, is my all time favorite science fiction movie. The movie has all my favorite genres combined together: film noir, detective, thriller, science fiction and action.

What I appreciate most about this movie is the futuristic environment it takes place in. It is a dark and advanced dystopian city. Cars can fly and buildings are taller than today's skyscrapers. As we distance ourselves away from the earth, and thus nature, we become less human, hence replicants. Almost the entire film takes place in evening or nighttime. The scenery is gorgeous as it shows the vast possibilities of technology.

To me, the most incredible aspect of this film is the gorgeous lighting. The lighting is extremely visible, since smoke is constantly diffusing it. It usually comes from a window creating a dark shadows where it does not touch. The lighting is always artificial as most of the film takes place during night time. This contrasty lighting with the dirty downtown cityscape creates a film noir style.

The music, by Vangelis, is perfect for the film. It is all electronica music, thus made from computers.

Ridley Scott trys to stay completely away from the organic. In the end we are not even sure if the protagonist, Deckard, is human or cyborg. Deckard is a blade runner. He is forced on a mission to terminate four cyborgs that have come back to earth to find their creator. Deckard is reluctant to carry out the job. As cyborgs are able to develop their own feelings over time, killing one is almost liking killing a human. In fact when Deckard kills the first cyborg, a woman, we feel some sympathy for her.
Deckard is troubled by his job, and he lives his life in the darkness of his empty apartment.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Babel 17

Babel 17 is a science fiction novel written by Samuel R. Delany. The story takes place during an interstellar war. The female protagonist, Rydra Wong, is sent to find out how the enemy is able to predict their strategies. This science fiction is different from any other that I have seen or read. The main focus is the new language that Rydra discovers. This language is called Babel 17. Once you learn it, you gradually turn into a traitor. It alters your mind and way of thinking. When Rydra finally realizes the effects of the language, she gradually neutralizes its effects.

The main theme of the movie is how language limits thought. Without language you cannot think. You need words for thoughts. Babel 17 can determine the actions of those who learn it.

One thing that bothered me about the novel was the lack of description of the environments and settings. I felt that I only got a sense of the world rather than a true and clear understanding of it. For example some of the props are not described to the fullest.